Case Study - Confectionery-Pigging

Pigging system / Case study

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1. P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y ( P i g g i n g ) C a s e S t u d y : Confectionery H o w a n A u t o m a t i c P i g g i n g S y s t e m Q u i c k ly a n d E f f i c i e n t ly R e m o v e s P r o d u c t , S p e e d s U p C h a n g e o v e r s a n d M i n i m i s e s D o w n t i m e © Hygienic Pigging Systems Ltd 201 7 . E: info@HPS - T : +44 (0) 115 925 4700 H P S P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y S o l u t i o n s Q u a l i t y . I n n o v a t i o n . S i m p l i c i t y . I n t e g r i t y w w w . H P S - P i g g i n g . c o m

4. Quality . Innovation . Simplicity . Integrity E: info@HPS - T : +44 (0) 115 925 4700 W : www.HPS - HPS Product Recovery Solutions Product Recovery (Pigging) Case Study – Confectionery Page 4 © Hygienic Pigging Systems Ltd 201 7 Contact HPS To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your liquid processing, contact your nearest HPS Office : United Kingdom ( Head Office ) : HPS Product Recovery Solutions 46 Evelyn Street Beeston Nottingham, NG9 2EU United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 115 925 4700 E: info@HPS - USA and Canada: HPS LLC 12175 Visionary Way Suite 730 Fishers IN 46038 USA T: +1 908 858 5225 E: usa @hps - Australasia: HPS Australasia 225 Main Road Blackwood SA, 5015 Australia T: +61 (0)8 8278 1009 E : australia@hps - All other countries: We have agents throughout the world. Please contact the HPS head office and we will put you in touch with your local HPS representative: T: +44 (0) 115 925 4700 E: info@HPS - You can also find u s on:

3. Quality . Innovation . Simplicity . Integrity E: info@HPS - T : +44 (0) 115 925 4700 W : www.HPS - HPS Product Recovery Solutions Product Recovery (Pigging) Case Study – Confectionery Page 3 © Hygienic Pigging Systems Ltd 201 7 Why the Company Chose HPS as their Pigging Systems Provider HPS has a strong reputation as the world’s leading hygienic and sani tary pigging systems specialist. Having worked with a wide variety of companies that manufacture chocolate and confectionery , the HPS team ha s an in - depth understanding of the special requirements of this type of product. In addition, HPS has implemented p roduct recovery and pigging solutions at some of th e company ’ s other facilities. These include factories in the UK, US and Brazil. The Solution HPS designed, supplied and commissioned a four - inch single - pig automatic tank - select product recovery (pigging) solution for use with chocolate and chocolate - based products. This was deployed on the new test bed line in the main production area , which allows the research and development team to test product in a ful l - scale system . The pigging system operates between two batch storage tanks and five drop - off destinations. The HPS solution includes all equipment required to l aunch, receive and return the pig, including the pneumatics and air sets to propel the pig usi ng filtered air. It also includes a bi - directional fully - detectable food - grade pig along with pig detectors to enable safe, reliable and accurate PLC control. The solution includes several types of valves . Where required these are jacketed and have visua l sensor position indicators. HPS also provided full drawings and electrical connection diagrams. Once the equipment was in place, an HPS engineer tested and commissioned it. HPS also delivered full training to relevant staff . The Results The HPS pigging solution reduces overall time required for testing, increasing line efficiency. It quickl y and effectively removes sufficient product to enable standard production to continue with minimum downtime, while prevent ing cross - contamination. Typically, HPS systems recover up to 99.5% of residual product. Although water flushes are not used with chocolate, sometimes manufacturers use products such as butter oil to flush the lines. Because pigging removes nearly all the test product, in this case there’s no need to use flushes . In addition, there’s significantly less time needed for cleaning and changeovers from test to main production. The test product is recovered rather than wasted , so if necessary the company can reuse it . By using pigging, the research and development team can qui ckly transfer the test area back to production when required .

2. Quality . Innovation . Simplicity . Integrity E: info@HPS - T : +44 (0) 115 925 4700 W : www.HPS - HPS Product Recovery Solutions Product Recovery (Pigging) Case Study – Confectionery Page 2 © Hygienic Pigging Systems Ltd 201 7 About t he Client T he HPS client is one of the world’s best - known nutrition, health and wellness companies. It has a rich history going back over 150 years , and today has a wide range of businesses, a large number of brands and a diverse range of produc ts. H PS worked with a research and development team within the company, at a facility produc ing some of the company’s most popular chocolate, biscuit and snack products. T h e team develop s new techn ologies and innovative products, while also providing technical help and assistance to other areas of t he business . Project Background To test new products, t he company set up a test bed line in part of its main production area. This allows the research and development team to conduct trial s and research in a full - scale fac tory environment. I t’s important that testing is as efficient as possible . It must keep to a schedule to avoid any disruption to manufacture. W hen the research and development team ha s finished using the test facility , any remaining test product in the pipes must be removed q uickl y and effectively. When the pipe lines are clean, normal manufacturing operations can continue as normal. Summary • HPS designed, supplied and commissioned an automatic tank select pigging system for a well - known manufacturer of chocolate - based confectionery products • The system enables the confectionery manufacturer to quickly and efficiently remove residual product from a full - scale test area of production • The HPS pigging solution removes sufficient product to enable standard production to continue with minimum downtime • Cross - contamination is prevented and significantly less time needed for cleaning and changeovers • Product removal rates are high enough to eliminate any need for oil, butter or other flush • O vera ll time required for testing is reduced, increasing l ine efficiency • Test product is also recovered rather than wasted so if necessary can be reused • The test area can be quickly transferred back to production when required


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