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3. 3 SFH filter man ual, version 07/ 2016

5. 5 Identification plate If you need to correspond about your device, make a note of the numbers on the identification plate . In some ca ses the plate may be replaced by etched identification numbe rs.

1. User Manual Perma nent magnetic filter, H ygienic series SFH GOUDSMIT M agnetic Systems B.V. P.O. Box 18 5580 AA Waalre Petunialaan 19 5582 HA Waalre The Netherlands Tel. (+31) (0)40 2213283 Internet www.goudsmitmagnets.com E - mail info@goudsmitmagnets.com

4. 4 Safety Dangers of strong magnetic fields Ferromagnetic objects will be attracted, if you are closer than 30 cm to the magnet. Any ferromagnetic tools or components may be attracted and damage the device. Danger to people fitted with implanted medical devices People fitted with pacemakers should not ent er the magnetic field of the device . Danger to electronic and mechanical devices Magnetic information carriers or electronic and mechanical devices, etc, may be destroyed if they enter the magnetic field. Warning Pictograms Ensure that all wa rning pictograms are legible. Replace if lost or damaged. General Protection Wear all the personal safety equipment necessary for safe operation or maintenance. This may include; overalls, safety glasses, ear protection, helmet, safety shoes, etc. Keep all screens and safeguards in place

10. 10 Installation , start - up and servicing General i nstallation Only allow qualified personnel to work on the installation . Connect joints or flanges correctly to the inlet and outlet joint. Handle the filter with great care. The tube is very fragile. R emember that any ferromagnetic tools and components are attracted to the magnet and may damage it. In stallation Pneumatic bar CIP filters DIN11864 - 1:2008 Aseptic screwed pipe connection, standard type DIN11864 - 2:2008 Aseptic flanged pipe connection, standard type DIN11864 - 3:2008 Aseptic clamp pipe connectio n, standard type For other options consult EHEDG Position Paper “Pipeline and Process connections” General s tart - up E nsure that : • T he device has no damages or malfunct ions and a ll conne ctions, whether mechanical or pneum at ic, are made properly . • T he filter correctly is installed and at the proper work height. Never install with both the two connection flanges and the magnet bar in a horizontal position. Start - up p neumatic bar filters Test the pneumatic bar operation with a paperclip . I t should react if the magnet is operated. Servicing If the magnet bar tube is damaged or dented, check that it still operates correctly. Spare parts include the pneumatic magnet bar and the seals. The seals must be replaced every year. Goudsm it Magnetic Systems can offer a yearly inspection with a replacement of seals and magnetic inspection report and certificate. Storage and dismantling When recycling the device at the end of its technical life, dispose of correctly and according to local r egulations. Recommended s et - up for CIP applications

2. 2 C ontents Contents ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 2 Safety ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 4 Identification plate ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 5 Removal of ferromagnetic particles in a CIP configuration ................................ .............................. 6 Construc tion and functioning of pneumatic bar filter ................................ ................................ ....... 8 Construction and functioning of manual filter ................................ ................................ ................... 9 Installation, start - up and servicing ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 10 The information we supply may only be used for service or operation of the product. It may not be disclosed to any third parties without our prior written permission. Our products and the data in our documentation may be subject to later amendment w ithout any obligation to previously supplied equipment. Please ensure that anyone working with the device has access to all the necessary documentation.

7. 7 When clea ning the filter of ferromagnetic particles with opti onal single valve configuration • Activate Cleaning valve . • E nsure enough time is given for the disposal of fer romagnetic particles; the drain pipe may also be used for sampling. • Deactivate cleaning valve . Normal product flow is resumed. When clea ning the filter of ferromagnetic particles with out any valves Dispose of ferromagnetic particles through another outlet in the installation. Please note This instruction does not cover the CIP procedure for the entire installation. Always dispose of ferromagnetic particles before the CIP process. Drain pipe (out) Product pipe (in) Product pipe (out) Cleaning valve (out) Single valve and valvel ess configuration

8. 8 Construction and function ing of pneumatic bar filter Function The function of the device is to capture ferromagnetic particles in the product stream , in combination with a CIP configuration. The product flows through the pip e and around the central magnet and t he ma gnet captures ferromagnetic particles. When di sposing of the particles, the central magnet in side the pneumatic bar moves down, allowing the particles to be flushed out . There are two pneumatic connections on the filter, that pus h the pneumatic bar in and out . P neumatic magnet bar House Product pipe Clamp Seal Pneumatic connection Pushes magnet out Pneumatic connection Pushes magnet in

6. 6 Removal of ferromagnetic particles in a CI P configuration When clea n ing the filter of ferromagnetic particles with optional double valve configuration • Stop normal product flow . • Activate cleaning valves . • S tart clea ning fluid. • Pneumatically mov e magnet in the “out” position. • Ensure enough time is given for the disposal of ferromagnetic particles ; the drain pipe may also be used for sampling. • Pneumatically mo ve magnet in the “in” position. • Stop fluid flow thro ugh the cleaning pipes . • Deactivate cleaning valves . • Resume normal product flow . Cleaning valve (in) Cleaning pipe (in) SFH Filter Magnet Cleaning valve (out) Drain pipe (out) Product pipe (in) Product pipe (out) Double valve configuration

9. 9 Construction and functioning of manual filter Function The function of the device is to capture ferromagnetic particles in the product stream . The product flows through the pipe and around the central magnet s , these captur e fer romagnetic particles. When disposing of the particles, the extractor unit must first be removed from the housing. Onl y then will the notched handles allow the magnets to be removed from the extractor. When clea ning the manual filter s of ferromagnetic part icles • Stop product flow. • Loosen clamps and remove extractor with magnets unit, from the housing. • Loosen the notched handles and remove the magnet unit from the extractor. • Place the magnet unit away from the extractor . • C lean the ferromagnetic particles fr om the extractor with a clean soft cloth or brush. • Dispose of ferromagnetic debris. • Replace magnet unit in extractor and refasten. • Replace extractor and magnet unit in housing and refasten. • Resume product flow . House Product pi pe Clamp Seal Notched handle Notched handle Manual extractor Clamp Extractor r od House Magnets Flange Handle


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